Quantifying Animal Suffering: The Welfare Footprint Framework with Cynthia Schuck-Paim
Monday, April 22, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
On Zoom (Pacific Time Zone) (map)
RACE-Approval Pending for 1.0 CE Credits, Course #20-1174394
To effectively improve the lives of animals, a clear understanding of the impact of different welfare harms, living conditions and risk factors on welfare is essential. In this workshop we teach participants how to quantify animal suffering using the Welfare Footprint Framework, an analytical method increasingly used to inform decisions by reserchers, organizations and analysts from different areas (https://welfarefootprint.org/)
Participants will be able to:
(1) describe, estimate and compare the pain from different diseases and injuries with a friendly notation method and universal metric
(2) estimate how much suffering is associated with different welfare challenges, production systems and animal-sourced products
(3) compare, quantitatively, the welfare impact of interventions, laws and standards to reduce animal suffering
60 minutes lecture time.