Down the Rabbit Hole
These are all the FOIA and other documents we have received related the animal-based protein industry protecting consumer confidence, stifling advocacy, and legitimizing depopulation methods.
No notes. Enjoy.
“All communications from June 1, 2015 to present referencing “Joe Regenstein,” "Sharon
Gwaltney-Brant," and “Sharon Kuca,” made by any individual associated with, employed by,
related to or working for in any capacity of the following checkoff programs: a. American Egg
Board; b. American Lamb Board; c. Cattleman’s Beef Promotion and Research Board; d.
National Dairy Promotion and Research Board; and e. National Pork Board.
(Date Range for Record Search: From 6/1/2015 To 1/1/2017)”
All communications from June 1, 2015 to present referencing Cia Johnson or Daniela
Castillo or Kecia Doolittle or Marina Bolotnikova or Matthew Scully made by any
individual associated with, employed by, related to or working for in any capacity of the
following checkoff programs: a. American Egg Board; b. American Lamb Board; c.
Cattleman’s Beef Promotion and Research Board; d. National Dairy Promotion and
Research Board; and e. National Pork Board.
(Date Range for Record Search: From 6/1/2015 To 1/1/2017)
Page 1-6: Development of AVMA Guidelines on Depopulation of Animals
01.05.2016 inaugural swine working group email between Dr. Patrick Webb, cc’d Dr. Cia Johnson-AMS-00070-F Final Response Records_Redacted
June 16, 2016 - Patrick Webb emails Swine Health Committee about ventilation shutdown
01.13.2017 Draft of AVMA Guidelines on Depopulation Circulated
Draft of AVMA Depopulation Guidelines: VSD under constrained circumstances but says “last resort.”
10.18.2017 Cia Johnson Presenting on the Depopulation Guidelines
10.3.2018 - Dr. Patrick Webb asks Dr. Cia Johnson “When will the POD guidance be released and will the Chairs of the WG’s get to see a preview of the final product before that timeframe.”
03.21.2019 - RE: RESPONSE REQUIRED: Panel on Depopulation Author Information on Check Due 12pm CT 3/22/19
2017 Draft of the Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals
08.6.2018 - Dave Pyburn of the Pork Board snaps his fingers to make Sara Crawford and Stephanie Wisdom join the USAHA Committee on Animal Welfare
“Make sure both of you are members of this committee.”
07.15.2019 - Cia Johnson E-Mail discussing the comment period on the proposed changes to the 2019 AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia through August 31, 2019
10.1.2019 - Patrick Webb email to Crisis Team
01.31.2020 - Was the thought that COVID-19 might reduce slaughter capacity a concern? Email to Dr. Cia Johnson from Sara Crawford of the Pork Board “We are going to be meeting with our Depopulation Task Force in the next couple weeks and I would like to talk with you beforehand to ensure that we are aligned with AVMA on our process moving forward. Also, I would like to know what information you have about different methods, if possible, so that we can determine what to (or to not) provide research funding for."
01.07.2020 Email to Dr. Cia Johnson from Sara Crawford of the Pork Board “I believe I mentioned to you that we are funding research on new or novel depop methods for use in swine. We finally have our funding and are moving forward with determining which methods to research. Before we start down this path, I would like to talk with you more about the upcoming research and the process for methods being added to the AVMA’s “approved” list to ensure that the research we fund will be useful upon completion."
04.06.2020 - Dr. Patrick Webb shared Dr. Jeff Hil’s email about his new high-expansion nitrogen-based foam system.
“Over the past year, Livetec has utilized their experience and expertise to design an NFDS specially for the depopulation of swine.”
04.06.2020 - Email from Dr. Liz Wagstrom to Lisa Becton and Dave Pyburn of the Pork Board, and Sherrie Webb of AASV and Jen Sorenson (Iowa Select Farms spokesperson)
“Jen Sorenson reached out to me today about mass euthanasia tools. With the potential for market disruptions and now the regional shortages of CO2 she thought we should have discussions on euthanasia recommendations and also we will have communication with regulatory officials on disposal (of presumably healthy animals).”
“This is feeling to me like a freight train barreling down the tracks. When could we discuss? Can you give a brief update of anything new/developed on depop strategies?”
04.09.2020 - Email from Brett Ramirez about VSD+ “Comparatively, a FAD outbreak in the U.S. could cost upwards of $50B over 10 years (Carriquiry et al., 2020). While extreme prevention procedures can be deployed and enforced, a confirmed FAD outbreak would force immediate response to limit the spread. This will require the mass depopulation of pigs, which must be performed humanely, timely and reliably, while simultaneously upholding personnel safety and limiting psychological impacts. Further, depopulation needs to be low cost and enable a faster return to production to ultimately boost the competitive advantage of U.S. producers. Thoroughly considered, evidence-based strategies, are for successful depopulation.
Approved methods to achieve the goals of mass depopulation are detailed in FAD PReP/NAHEMS (2015). The recent 2014-2015 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak demonstrated the need for potentially alternative methods of rapid depopulation and more so, the critical need for evidence-based, best management practices (Gingerich, 2015). If an ASF outbreak occurs, the depopulation approach must be rapidly implemented with the goal to decrease the amount of virus in the environment. Other depopulation methods can create delays, as was found during the HPAI outbreak, due to a lack of material, device availability (CO2, foam, euthanasia devices, etc.) and high labor input needed to perform the depopulation (Gingerich, 2015). Delays in depopulation would increase the amount of virus shed over time, which would amplify total virus shed in the environment, and increase the probability of transmission to other herds. Ventilation Shut Down (VSD) was an approach emerging late in the HPAI outbreak to meet the need for rapid euthanasia and was determined to be inexpensive, quickly performed, and minimized exposure of people to the infected facility.”
04.10.2020 - Cindy Cunningham of the Pork Board to Hannah Thompson Weeman of the Animal Ag Alliance
04.15.2020 - prosecution/ leg to stand on
04.16.2020 - Dr. Lisa Becton of the Pork Board forwards an email about a poultry research papers and a training announcement.
04.16.2020 - Harry Snelson, AASV
“I have 4 different sow units decide to depopulate, but they cannot move cull sows.”
“Attitude is slipping rapidly. I wish I would have pursued a secondary degree in counseling :). I don't want to sound dramatic, but the feeling of drowning comes to mind! I just hope and pray we do not have another large packing plant go down.”
04.17.2020 - Hannah Thompson Weeman of Animal Ag Alliance sends out an email warning people about Dr. Crystal Heath. (redacted version received from later FOIA).
04.21.2020 Lisa Becton Email - Information from AASV
“We are also working very closely with AVMA on clarification of depopulation guidelines and their stance on this emergency situation. There are still concerns with circumstances allowable for depopulation and individual state animal health and welfare laws. If you have to consider alternatives due to animals not being able to be shipped to slaughter, please consult with your state veterinarian/animal health official to understand the laws concerning animal health and welfare.”
04.21.2020 - Re: Depopulation messaging: Production Facilities and Slaughterhouses
Harry Snelson of AASV says, “I asked AVMA for some clarification of their opinion on where we stand in their minds with regards to euthanasia or depopulation methodologies as a result of the current COVID situation.”
Cia Johnson replies, “We believe the situation with the closing of slaughter plants in the United States may warrant depopulation events…In urgent circumstances, we may need to apply other techniques such as VSD plus in swine as mentioned below. For VSD plus in swine, the AVMA Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals have a recommended performance standard to be considered a “Permitted in constrained circumstances” method (page 45)...”
“Methods that are not covered specifically by the AVMA Guidelines for the Depopulation may still be used based on a veterinarian’s professional judgment and sound reasoning covering why methods that are included in the Guidelines would not fit the situation and circumstances.”
The Guidelines state: “These Guidelines do not address every contingency. In circumstances that are not clearly covered by these Guidelines, a veterinarian experienced with the species in question should apply professional judgment and knowledge of clinically acceptable techniques in selecting a method of depopulation or euthanasia.”
“Veterinarians should consider whether 1) the procedure results in the best outcome for the animal; 2) their actions conform to acceptable standards of veterinary practice and are consistent with applicable federal, state, and local regulations; and 3) the choice of depopulation or euthanasia technique is consistent with the veterinarians’ professional obligations and adheres to sound ethical grounding.”
04.21.2020 - Lisa Becton of the Pork Board asks in an email titled “euth vs depop”:
“I have had some folks inquire about AVMA, state guidelines etc for depopulation and if it works within the COVID situation. Harry, I know you sent out that note from Cia. However, before I let anyone know AVMA going to make a formal statement about this?”
04.22.2020 - Email from Dr. Jeff Kaisand (Iowa State Veterinarian) to Jack Shere of the USDA “packing capacity in Iowa is down 40,000 pigs per day….We are formally asking for any help that either USDA Veterinary Services can provide and/or any help from Homeland Security. We need to be planning now for the possibility of large numbers of pigs being depopulated and requiring disposal. Any assistance via ESF-11 should also be considered.
04.22.2020 - Sherrie Webb sent the AASV Depopulation Recommendations, she also sent it to members of the Pork Board and NPPC saying, “Thank you again for your feedback on the depop recommendations yesterday. Attached is the final formatted version that will be posted to our COVID and welfare pages, featured in an email sent to members this afternoon featuring some of the AVMA talking points Harry shared yesterday, and mentioned in the e-letter to go out this evening.”
04.22.2020 - Dr. Patrick Webb sends out an email to major corporate swine producers and government officials including Smithfield, Prestage, Pipestone and Seaboard Foods, veterinarians and government officials. These would be good people to send letters to asking if they used VSD+ in the past and if they have put plans in place to use alternative methods in the future.
04.23.2020 - Sherrie Webb sends out AVMA Talking points about depopulation
04.23.2020 - Patrick Webb sends a presentation and research on CO2 depopulation
04.24.2020 - Pork Checkoff Weekly Update
“Dealing with the Unthinkable
We spend our lives growing things to feed others and many are now facing the unthinkable…having to destroy what we have raised
It is human nature to look for someone to blame in this tragedy. The fact is, the coronavirus is the enemy here.
We are putting our energy into getting the processing plants running again and dealing with the near-term critical problems right now. – Bill Even, CEO”“USDA Outlines Aid for Pork Producers
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) outlined aid for pork producers through the COVID-19 relief package. It includes $1.6 billion in direct payments to pork producers.
The aid package also includes $3 billion in purchases by USDA for food banks across the country. The Pork Checkoff is working closely with the USDA and NPPC to execute the aid program.”
04.24.2020 - Greg Cima of JAVMA reaches out to Cindy Cunningham of the National Pork Board for comment about depopulation–did they reach out to animal protection groups?
04.24.2020 Dave Pyburn, Patric Webb, Sherrie Webb, Harry Snelson, Mark Rice convo about CO2 depopulation
04.25.2020 - Pork Industry leaders send a letter to Vice President Pence
04.25.2020 - Webinar on Depopulation to take place on 04.26.2020
04.27.2020 - Paul Sundberg email “But the question about if/how to use this depopulation as a way to control/eliminate endemic disease and sustainably improve national swine herd health can still be discussed. Let’s see if there can be some health good that could come out of this.”
“Make sure we agree on the objective of the effort (if/how to use this depopulation as a way to control/eliminate endemic disease and sustainably improve national swine herd health), if we have the right people to contribute and the steps that need to happen, including what disease target(s) are we going to be shooting at.”
04.28.2020 - Patrick Webb again forwards an email from Jeff Hill (High Expansion Nitrogen Foam) to Sherrie Webb.
04.28.2020 - Email about Pork Board Webinar
04.28.2020 - Harry Snelson about AVMA Statement
“I agree, Lisa. It is wordy, but it’s supportive of the situation and I agree, coming from AVMA, it’s going to take a veterinary perspective rather than a producer perspective and I think that’s what you want for producers. It will provide the professional support for what we are likely going to have to do.”
04.28.2020 - Snelson email to AVMA people
“None of us like the prospect of euthanizing animals or depopulating herds and particularly given our current situation. The disposal of perfectly good meat, milk and eggs is a tragedy.”
04.29.2021 - Sherrie Webb to AASV Depopulation Subcommittee “As we are preparing to launch our depopulation survey, I would like to schedule a time in June for this group to meet, review the interview results, and work on revising the AASV depopulation recommendations.”
04.30.2020 - Paul Sundberg - figuring out how to get payments for killing healthy animals because producers failed to put emergency plans in place.
04.29.2020 - Dave Pyburn, Food Protection and Defense Institute - A Homeland Security Center of Excellence
04.30.2020 - NPB NPPC Questionnaire
4.30.2020 - Updated AASV Depopulation Guidelines
04.30.2020 - Heather Fowler AASV call to share experiences
04.30.2020 - Dave Pyburn responds to VSD Complaint message from Nicole Parks
05.04.2020 - VSD Complaints to Pork Board
05.04.2020 - Pork Checkoff Webinar
05.05.2020 - Email chain about APHIS ineffectiveness.
05.06.2020 - Maschhoff’s urgent message
05.05.2020 - Pork Indemnity
05.08.2020 - Collin Peterson of Minn FEMA help depopulating
05.20.2020 FW: USDA reference for 3 hours in poultry
05.26.2020 - “Intercept journalist Glenn Greenwald published an article along with a video detailing animal welfare issues at Iowa Select Farms.” From Webershanwick
05.28.2020 - AASV Responds to Glenn Greenwald
05.29.2020 - AASV statement/Depop Talking points/Des Moines Register
05.30.2020 - Max Rodibaugh [RIP] sends an email to his son Todd Rodibaugh (Producer and State Relations Director for the National Pork Board) about the VSD Intercept story
06.01.2020 - Dallas Hockman, NPPC McDonalds asking Questions
06.01.2020 - Email from Claire Masker-King to Jacque Masten, Jenna DePerro, Angie Krieger, Producers upset at VSD, DXE Video
06.02.2020 Re: Depop in NE
06.04.2020 Censorship of Jeff Hill complete
06.05.2020 Gail Golab email about Jeff Hill
06.08.2020 Temple Grandin Process Controlled Heat and Humidity Euthanasia
08.06.2020 - Ricardo Chebel discusses University of Florida Student Activism around VSD, and pork industry veterinarians work on co-opting the student townhall to “educate” them.
08.27.2020 - Heather Fowler of the Pork Board Emails Janet Donlin and Gail Golab about “making the new AMR pathogens report
publicly available”
01.16.2021 Virtual depopulation activity for vet students
07.30.2021 - Snelson response to AVMA HOD vote on VSD+
01.25.2022 - Harry Snelson Email about PETA, Crystal Heath, Our Honor
04.22.2023 Pork Board keeps an eye on Crystal Heath’s tweet.
10.20.2023 - Meeker County Minnesota Depopulation
October 10, 2023 depopulation Glacier email from department about using whole house gassing with CO2
05.15.2020 Sara Crawford Email to Cia Johnson about Nitrogen for depopulation
“I know that CO2 is the only listed inhalant listed for swine depopulation. Is nitrogen able to be used for depopulation or does more research need to be done in order to use it for depop? Also I would like to catch up with you next week to talk with you about the research that we are funding right now in depop.”
05.21.2020 - Sara [Crawford] “Talked with Cea Johnson from AVMA about ventilation shut down and other topics
Talked about research projects we currently have, looking forward to getting information to add to their depop guidelines
She is also happy to talk to whom ever about depop guidelines.Make sure to keep her in the loop so she can understand what is happening.
Getting more emails from people wanting information on what is going on in the industry
o Be aware of who is reaching out and why they are
Link for Guardian on dashboard us-farm-animals-to-be-culled-by-suffocation-drowning-and-shooting-coronavirus”“Bobby Bring Cia Johnson to MN demonstration”
“Paul If Burke demonstration happens suggested bring AVMA along as well.”
Chris “2.1M are currently being slaughtered” [not sure if he really means slaughtered, or depopulated
06.18.2020 - Cia Johnson Email about Glenn Greenwald and protesters:
“As members of the Panel on Depopulation, we wanted to be sure you were aware that the AVMA is being targeted in a campaign related to the Guidelines. The campaign is organized by a small but vocal group of grassroots protesters that is anti-animal agriculture. Protests took place Monday, June 15, at AVMA headquarters and Monday and Tuesday, June 16, at the home of AVMA’s CEO, Dr. Janet Donlin. These protests were broadcast live on Facebook. Thus far, we have received one media inquiry from a publication called The Intercept and, specifically, a journalist by the name of Glenn Greenwald.
If you are contacted by protesters, activists or a member of the media, including The Intercept, please do not provide any statements or commentary, and please direct the call or email to AVMA Staff and AVMA Media Relations.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to AVMA staff with any questions or concerns you may have.”
10.9.2020 Email from Sara Crawford to Cia Johnson
“I was talking with our communications team about creating materials to share information about depopulation planning and results from our depopulation research. They thought that it would be a good idea to talk with your communications team in planning to ensure that common language is being used throughout.Could you help connect me to the correct contact at AVMA to work on this? Or should they be working with you directly?”
09.10.2021 - Email exchange between Patrick Webb and Cia Johnson.
Webb “what will be the process to address Resolution 8 (VSD+) to the AVMA Board of Directors for consideration by the AVMA Panel on Depopulation.”
Johnson “It does not make sense to open such a large, critical document multiple times in a short timeframe when we consider each revision must go out for a member comment period of 45-90 days. We know that there are several other research projects that have occurred or are in process that the Panel would want to see such as the ones on mass CO2, nitrogen-infused foam, etc.”
01.04.2022 - Stephanie Wisdom uptick in queries about sodium nitrite
01.10.2022 - VAVSD at VLC
01.01.2022 - VAVSD at VLC pdf
04.13.2022 - Cia Johnson to Panel Working Group chairs about media inquiries they have received, and asks that they de directed to the media relations team.
04.14.2022 - Cia Johnson send a message to the saying “Staff has begun adding research articles to the Panel on Depopulation’s working library in preparation for a review of the Guidelines later this year.”
07.14.2022 - Cia Johnson writes to the Panel on Depopulation:
As we approach the AVMA Convention we felt it would be a good time to remind everyone of how to proceed when you receive inquiries related to the AVMA’s Humane Endings guidelines. We ask that if you are approached by any individual(s), organizations, or media-via phone, text, email, or in-person-regarding the Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, Humane Slaughter of Animals, or the Depopulation of Animals that you reach out to Animal Welfare Division staff as soon as possible. This will ensure that we track incoming requests and are able to work with the appropriate Panel members and, as needed, our media relations staff to formulate any needed responses. This also helps to ensure that there is consistent messaging around the Panels and their process, expertise, and literature that was reviewed for the guidelines in question.
05.19.2022 - Stephanie Wisdom Water Based Foam Demo
07.15.2022 - Craig Shackelford USDA marketing specialist approved Depopulation Booklet
01.17.2023 - Stephanie Wisdom, Pork Board Depopulation PPT approved by Craig Shackelford- Marketing Specialist
01.19.2023 - Self-proclaimed “Bacon Activist,” Jeff Pigott, Vice President of Industry Relations for the National Pork Producers Council, was able to attend the AVMA’s Humane Endings Symposium.
Minnesota October 2023 - Someone went duck hunting and fed entrails to their flock, causing an HPAI outbreak.
Minnesota October 2023 - Specific emails about duck hunting
Minnesota October 2023 - Control of Wildlife Species
APHIS FOIA Spreadsheet Depopulation Methods - October-November 2023
Oregon HPAI October and November 2023 - 275 pages Foster Farms VSD+
Oregon HPAI November 2023 - Foster Farms emails
Oregon VSD+ Justification - Foster Farms
Oregon VSD+ Justification 2 - Foster Farms - Sit Rep
Oregon proof Foster Farms used VSD+ - sent to Foster Farms
01/26/2024 - Depopulation methods spreadsheet with indemnity payments
November 22, 2023 Trempealeau County Wisconsin depopulation with foam
University of Florida Public Records Request - Stifling Student Activism
March 29th, 2024:
Received Re: Final Response to FOIA Request 2023-AMS-00203-F:
This is the final response to your aggregated Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated
August 9, 2023, to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service
(AMS). Your request was received on August 10, 2023, and sought access to:
I am writing to request all communications from Jan 1, 2015 to present between:
• “Dave Pyburn” or anyone with the email, or
• “Patrick Webb” or anyone with the email “”, or
• “Paul Sundberg” or
and anyone with an email address ending in “” made by any individual
associated with, employed by, related to or working for in any capacity of the following
checkoff programs: a. American Egg Board; b. American Lamb Board; c. Cattlemen's
Beef Promotion and Research Board; d. National Dairy Promotion and Research Board;
and e. National Pork Board. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2015 To 8/9/2023)
Re: Final Response to FOIA Request 2023-AMS-00210-F
This is the final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). Your request was received
on August 10, 2023, and sought access to: all communications from Jan 1, 2015 to present referencing
“Panel on Depopulation” made by any individual associated with, employed by, related
to or working for in any capacity of the following checkoff programs: a. American Egg
Board; b. American Lamb Board; c. Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board; d.
National Dairy Promotion and Research Board; and e. National Pork Board. Result: “Panel on Depopulation” USDA- AMS
4/28/2024 Swine Vets talking about how the AVMA is helping them legitimize depopulation
01/18/2021 National Pork Board Depopulation Task Force Emails
FOIA received 7.5.2024 University of Illinois Nutrition Symposium
Request FOIA Received 7.29.2024 2024-APHIS-01553-F
“I am requesting copies of public records that include videos, photographs, emails, letters, documents, text messages, Slack messages, Microsoft Teams messages or other communications sent to or from the following USDA-APHIS employees or contractors: Hans, Thomas and/or and/or Hegngi, Fidelis and/or and/or Behnke, Elena and/or and/or Kesler, Penny and/or and/or Gauthier, Julie and/or Porter- Spalding, Barbara and/or and/or and/or Lori Gustafson and/or and/or and/or and/or Shere, Jack and/or and/or Zimmers, Hallie and/or and/or ?Rochette, Lisa and/or and/or ?Nohrenberg, Gary and/or and/or White, Timothy and/or and/or Gilsdorf, Jason and/or and/or and/or and/or Kevin Shea and/or Michael Watson and/or and/or and/or, referencing “foie gras” and/or “Hudson Valley Foie Gras” and/or “Marcus Henley” sent, received or dated between Jan 1, 2023, and December 18, 2023.”
The program office has advised that there were only emails found referring to “Foie Gras”. No documents or emails were found with references to “Hudson Valley Foie Gras” or “Marcus Henley”.
FOIA Received 7.29.2024 2024-APHIS-01553-F
From FOIA 2024-APHIS-01553-F - Cal-Maine Q1 FinancialsFidelis Heg Point Flat Rate Depopulation Depopulation Feedback
FOIA Request 2023-AMS-00209-F AVMA BOD USDA- AMS - 2015-2023
FOIA Request 2023-AMS-00209-F AVMA BOD USDA - AMS Original Request
USDA- AMS - FOIA Request 2024-AMS-00069-F Request communications referencing “FDA's Guidance For Industry” and/or “GFI #263” and/or “FDA Guidance”
2023-AMS-00071-F June 1, 2017 to 1/31/2023 referencing "Counterglow”
Final Response to FOIA Request No. 2024-APHIS-01385-F
any emails, text messages, Slack or Microsoft Teams messages, or other communications, sent or received by Larry Rawson or referencing HPAI, highly pathogenic avian influenza, depopulation, culling, euthanasia, slaughter, ventilation shutdown, VSD, VSD+, Livtec, carbon dioxide, CO2, foam, captive bolt, whole house gassing, container gassing including veterinary records, reports, treatment records, mortality reports, necropsy reports, inspection reports, photographs (in original format with full resolution), videos, records describing any visits, indemnity requests, HPAI Monitoring Depopulation reports, Euthanasia inspection reports, notes, or any reference to or communications from, and/or and/or, Maurice Pitesky and/or, Tristan Bond and/or, Joseph Gendreau and/or Robert Carrasco and/or Todd Kelman, “Press Democrat” and/or Colin Atagi and/or @colin_atagi, and/or Martin Espinoza and/or Phil Barber, or, or @Skinny_Post or Mary Callahan or, or @MaryCallahanB, or any reference to the companies, employees or contractors with the companies Sunrise Farms, Weber Family Farms,, Foster Farms, Reichardt Duck Farm, Liberty Duck Farm, Sun Sun email address received or dated between November 20th, 2023 and December 11th, 2023
This is the final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated August 9, 2023, to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). Your request was received on August 10, 2023 and sought access to the following information:
[A]ll communications from Jan 1, 2015 to present referencing “AVMA BOD” or “AVMA Board of Directors” made by any individual associated with, employed by, related to or working for in any capacity of the following checkoff programs:
a. American Egg Board; b. American Lamb Board; c. Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board; d. National Dairy Promotion and Research Board; and e. National Pork Board.
(Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2015 To 8/9/2023)
Result: Juicy AVMA Depopulation Comms with stuff about Crystal Heath on pg 200
FOIA Request 2024-AMS-00012-F -
All communications from Jan 1, 2019 to Dec 31, 2020 that reference, or
are with, “Locke Karriker” or anyone with the email “”, made by any individual associated with, employed by, related to or working for in any capacity of the following checkoff programs: a. American Egg Board; b. National Pork Board; and c. AMS’s Livestock and Poultry Program.
(Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2019 To 12/31/2020)
FOIA Request 2024-AMS-00011-F This is the final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), dated October 4, 2023. Your request was received on October 5, 2023, and sought access to: all communications from Jan 1, 2019 to Dec 31, 2020 that reference, or are with, “Collette Kaster” or anyone with the email “”, made by any individual associated with, employed by, related to or working for in any capacity of the following checkoff programs: a. American Egg Board; b. National Pork Board; and c. AMS’s Livestock and Poultry Program. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2019 To 12/31/2020) Response Part 1, Part 2
Final Response to FOIA Request 2023-AMS-00074-F —
This is the final response to your aggregated Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). Your request was received on February 1, 2023. Four separate requests were combined to create this request which sought access to information described as follows:
All communications from June 1, 2015 to present referencing "Jan Shearer," "Raymond Anthony," "Stephen Smith," or "Tracy Turner" made by any individual associated with, employed by, related to or working for in any capacity of the following checkoff programs: a. American Egg Board; b. American Lamb Board; c. Cattleman’s Beef Promotion and Research Board; d. National Dairy Promotion and Research Board; and e. National Pork Board. (Date Range for Record Search: From 6/1/2015 To 1/31/2023)
P. 8 - April 30, 2020 Validation for pneumatic captive bolt gun
P. 9 - May 1, 2020 Pneumatic Captive Bolt Currently not USDA approved for Swine
P. 14 - April 28, 2020 — Request from NBC NewsP. 17 - May 18, 20201 — Animal Ethicists (Roxi Beck to Mike King ( Subject: Animal Ethicists “Hi, Mike, Following up on our convo regarding ethicists: Janice Swanson from Michigan State is excellent We’ve also used Raymond Anthony at Alaska - I’m told he is very good to work with. He can provide a perspective that is a little outside the box of traditional agriculture, such as cultural or social issues. May be exactly what you’re looking for Cheers! R”
P. 19 - March 21, 2022 - Captive Bolt Video
P. 21 - Feb 15, 2019 - Smithfield influential in Virginia Tax Conformity Legislation
P. 24 - April 29, 2020 - NBC News Outreach
P. 26 - April 28, 2020 - NBC News Outreach “FYI – a producer from NBC news reached out to Jan Shearer of Iowa State to get comment on current on-farm depopulation efforts. We walked through messaging and he will be calling her back. She was specifically asking about methods and we talked through how to reference the AVMA guidelines without discussing specific practices. Just wanted you to be aware of this contact.”
P. 29 - April 12, 2019 - RE: Pig Welfare subcommittee on boar euthanasia research
P. 33 - August 9, 2019 - Email from Merck veterinarian, shows pork board, AASV, University and Pharmaceutical industry collaboration to possibly secure public funding. “I will get a rough timeline for all current projects slated so we can update the AASV board in Oct. I agree that it would be a good idea to secure additional funding for [redacted] the I’ll confirm with Kurt on current timelines and get back with everyone on this.”
P.33 - April 28, 2020 - Proposal for mass depopulation.
P. 42 - March 21, 2019 - Cia Johnson email about the release of the guidelines on depopulation
P. 44 - October 21, 2019 - Patrick Webb email with Bruce Spence about upcoming depopulation program
P. 45 - April 27, 2020 - Email between Patrick Webb and Charles Bildstein regarding V restrainers and pneumatic stunners
P. 50 - August 1, 2020 - Townhall to address activist veterinary students at the University of Florida who wanted to send a letter to the AVMA about Ventilation Shutdown. Chris J. Rademacher from Iowa State “The meeting of the entire panel ahead of time will be important to ensure we all have our talking points agreed upon and how or who will handle particularly delicate questions.”
P. 56 - May 16, 2020 - Veterinarian Survey and Focus group manuscript
P. 58 - Feb 27, 2018 - Scientific, Ethical and Economic Aspects of Farm Animal Welfare Rollout. “Attached is the most recent proof of the “Welfare” paper that is set for release in April.” —
P. 59 - Awaiting final edits from Candace Croney
On behalf of Our Honor, I am requesting all communications from anyone referencing rodenticide or fertility control, or by anyone employed by Bell laboratories, California Dept. of Food and Ag, Farnam Companies inc, Hacco inc, J.T. Eaton and company inc, P.F. Harris manufacturing company llc, Reckitt Benckiser LLC D/B/A Reckitt Benckiser, Scimetrics LTD corporation, Sierra Industries inc, Wilco distributors inc, Woodstream corporation, or anybody employed by APHIS, and from Julie Van Meter and/or
(Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2020 To 03/30/2024)
9.8.2024 SAVMA Lecture Confirmation
7.25.2024 SAVMA Table Reservation Receipt
Re: OSG FOIA No. 2022-127869 Request
This letter responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Office of the Solicitor General dated June 19, 2022, as narrowed on July 19, 2022, and April 25, 2023. You requested the following:
“Excluding all records solely pertaining to administrative requests, scheduling meetings, or otherwise not substantively involving the subjects at issue in California’s Proposition 12, NPPC v. Ross, or the DOJ Solicitor General's amicus brief in the case. All communications (including, without limitation, emails, encrypted and unencrypted chats, notes of meetings and telephone communications) held by the Office of the Solicitor General from August 1, 2021, to the present, referencing Prop 12, California Prop 12, Proposition 12, National Pork Producers Council, NPPC, National Pork Producers Council v. Ross, NPPC v. Ross, 21-468, Cal. Health & Safety Code § 25990, Cal. Health & Safety Code § 25990(b), pork industry, pork production, breeding pigs, or individual stalls (as pertains to pigs). In addition, I'm seeking all emails from August 1, 2020, to the present between members of the Office of the Solicitor General and email addresses with the domain”
Re: Final Response to FOIA Request 2024-AMS-00150-F Result
Dear Dr. Heath:
This is the final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated April 9, 2024, to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). Your request was received on April 10, 2024 and sought access to the following information:
I am writing to request all communications, including emails and attachments, text messages, letters, documents, photos or videos dated between October 1, 2023, to present referencing “Bovine Influenza A Virus” and/or “BIAV” and/or “Farm Bill” and/or “EATS ACT” and/or “Jim Pillen” and/or “LB 1375” and/or “John Lowe” and/or “Cicely Wardyn” and/or “Kris Bousquet” and/or “Stephen Mossman” and/or “Laura Strimple” made by any individual associated with, employed by, related to or working for in any capacity of the following checkoff programs: a. American Egg Board; b. American Lamb Board; c. Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board; d. National Dairy Promotion and Research Board; and e. National Pork Board.
(Date Range for Record Search: From 10/1/2023 To 8/9/2024)
RE: Response to FOIA Request No. 2024-APHIS-7456-F
Dear Dr. Heath:
This is our final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated and received in this office on August 27, 2024. Your request was assigned tracking number 2024-APHIS-7456-F. Please cite this number in any correspondence you send to APHIS regarding this request. You requested “all communications, documents, emails, text messages, and attachments related to indemnity payments due to highly pathogenic avian influenza, facility fire, barn fire, or other emergency event paid to Steven Mahrt, or the facility located at 700 Cavanaugh Ln Petaluma, CA dated between March 1, 2023, and August 26, 2024”.
Re: Final Response to FOIA Request 2024-AMS-00209-F
Dear Dr. Heath:
This is the final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). Your request was received on June 12, 2024 and sought:
On behalf of Our Honor, I am requesting all communications, documents, emails, text
messages, photos, or videos sent to or from, or referencing “Octavia Jones” and/or
“” and/or “Cynthia Schuck-Paim” and/or “Marek Muller” and/or “Pat Basu” and/or “” and/or “Quita Bowman Blackwell” and/or “AAVSB “ and/or “Our Honor” sent to or from, and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or and or and/or Angie Krieger and/or and/or Cory Van Gilst and/or and/or Neal Hull and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or dated between 1/01/2022 to 06/11/2024.
Re: Final Response to FOIA Request 2024-AMS-00052-F
Dear Dr. Heath:
This is the final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated November 28, 2023, to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). Two requests were received on November 29, 2023 and were combined under a single tracking number. The requests sought access to the following information:
On behalf of Our Honor, we are requesting all communications from January 1, 2018 to present referencing between or referencing MEGHANN K. PIERDON, Meghann Pierdon or referencing highly pathogenic avian influenza, avian influenza, HPAI, depopulation, euthanasia, culling, ventilation shutdown, VSD, VSD+, foam, waterbased foam, water-based foam, whole house gas, WHG, carbon dioxide, CO2, captive bolt, cervical dislocation, Jennie-O, Hormel Foods, Cargill, Smithfield, Animal Agriculture Alliance, National Institute for Animal Agriculture or any contractor or employees of those companies or anyone with an,,, or, or made by any individual associated with, employed by, related to or working for in any capacity of the following checkoff programs: a. American Egg Board; b. American Lamb Board; c. Cattleman’s Beef Promotion and Research Board; d. National Dairy Promotion and Research Board; and e. National Pork Board.
(Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2023 to 11/28/2023)
Re: Final Response for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request
Dear Crystal Heath:
This is the final response to your FOIA request to the Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), dated June 11, 2024. We received your request in our office on June 12, 2024.
You sought the following:
“All communications, document, emails, text messages, photos or videos sent to or from, or referencing “Pitman Family Farms” and/or “Mary’s Chicken” and/or “Mary’s Free-Range Chicken” and/or “Perdue” and/or “Foster Farms” and/or “Weber Family Farms” and/or “Cargill” and/or “animal rights” and/or “vegan” and/or “Raven Deerbrook” and/or “Zoe Rosenberg” sent to or from “GABBY EDDINGS” and/or and/or “VIRGINIA FELIX” and/or “” and/or FRANK GILLIS and/or and/or “GREGORY ABREU” and/or “” and/or “MARIA MARISCAL” and/or “” and/or “FARDOUS AHMED” and/or “” and/or “Sukhdeep Sidhu” and/or “” dated between 1/01/2022 to 06/11/2024.”
After discussing the request with you and obtaining clarification, you modified the scope to the following:
“All communications, documents, emails, text messages, photos, or videos sent to or from, or referencing “Pitman Family Farms” and/or “Mary’s Chicken” and/or “Mary’s Free-Range Chicken” and/or “Perdue” and/or “Foster Farms” and/or “Weber Family Farms” and/or “Cargill” and/or “animal rights” and/or “vegan” and/or “Raven Deerbrook” and/or “Zoe Rosenberg” sent to or from “GABBY EDDINGS” and/or and/or “VIRGINIA FELIX” and/or “” and/or FRANK GILLIS and/or and/or “GREGORY ABREU” and/or “” and/or “MARIA MARISCAL” and/or “” and/or “FARDOUS AHMED” and/or “” and/or “Sukhdeep Sidhu” and/or “” and related to depopulations in California due to highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks dated between 1/01/2022 to 06/11/2024.”